Washington Wines in Holiday Guide

Washington Wines in Holiday Guide

Washington Wines in Holiday Guide. I'm Greg Martin with today's Fruit Grower Report. If you are looking for a good holiday gift the Robb Report has just released their annual Host's Guide Holiday 2010 magazine and according to Ryan Pennington, the Public Relations Director for the Washington Wine Commission, a number of Washington wines are highlighted. PENNINGTON: Their annual gift guide and selection of wines is done entirely by the publishers and just the fact that they've decided to feature the northwest and that Washington was called out so prominently in their feature we think speaks very well to the rising influence and awareness of Washington State as producing world class wines. The Robb Report features 4 Washington wineries. PENNINGTON: They were Col Solare, K Vintners, Leonetti Cellar and Pursued By Bear which is a project by Kyle MacLachlan, an actor originally from Yakima. According to Pennington these unsolicited wine features are a major boost for the Washington wine industry. PENNINGTON: This kind of press always is a great boost to the industry. I would equate it to just a little under a year ago Columbia Crest getting the number one wine in the world by Wine Spectator. It's the kind of press we are always hoping to get as we're out marketing Washington wines locally, nationally and internationally but with any of these types of things it's never something you can guarantee so it's always nice when they do come through. That's today's Fruit Grower Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.
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