Steps needed to finalize CRP contract

Steps needed to finalize CRP contract

Washington Ag Today September 16, 2010 The USDA says it accepted over 182-thousand acres of land from Washington into the Conservation Reserve Program during the recent 39th general sign up. Judy Olson, State Executive Director of the Farm Service Agency, says those accepted will be notified immediately. And most importantly;

Olson: “They have until September 30th to get all their signatures on their paperwork. So this is not done until it is done so to speak. They will be operating or asked to operate on an interim conservation plan. They will have to have their finalized conservation plan done by December 31st 2010. The staff from Natural Resources Conservation Service and state forestry agencies will be helping producers develop their individual conservation plan.”

Olson says a producer also has an opportunity to withdraw from the program.

Olson: “The producers can withdraw from their CRP contract prior to that. If when they see their final conservation plan they say, oh, this isn‘t what I thought I was getting into, they may withdraw literally by December 31st.”

Again, the deadline to get all the signatures on the paperwork to finalize the CRP contract is September 30th.

I’m Bob Hoff and that’s Washington Ag Today on Northwest Aginfo Net.


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