Winter and spring wheat crop update

Winter and spring wheat crop update

Farm and Ranch July 29, 2010 The USDA reported this week that the winter wheat harvest is complete or nearly complete in over half of the major producing states, however, USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey says;

Rippey: “The cool, wet spring and early summer has delayed maturation and harvest in the far Northwest.”

Indeed. In Oregon the winter wheat harvest is called 20 percent complete compared to the five year average of 42 percent. Twenty percent of
Washington’s crop would usually be harvested by now but only eight percent is this year. One percent of Idaho’s winter wheat has been cut compared to the five year average of eight percent. So, nationally USDA’s Rippey says;

Rippey: “79% of the winter wheat harvested, 82% is the five year average. We are ahead of last year’s pace of 76%.

Montana was the farthest behind for winter wheat. There had been no harvesting at the start of this week when historically 22 percent of the crop would have been in the bin by now.

Most of the spring wheat crop in the Pacific Northwest and across the country is now headed out. And;

Rippey: “The spring wheat despite minor delays in development still looking extremely good, 83% good to excellent on July 25th. A week ago 82%. Last year 74%.”

Washington did report some spring wheat harvest activity began last week as did some cutting of barley. Idaho’s barley crop is 91 percent headed out.

I’m Bob Hoff and that’s the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report on Northwest Aginfo Net.


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