7-27 IAN Cattle Reproduction

7-27 IAN Cattle Reproduction

 Advice to catllemen about reproducing in their herds.

In the spring - producers are not only preparing for calving season - but they’re also making preparations for the breeding season. According to Veterinarian Dr. John Rodgers - that means it’s a great time for a producer to think about re-evaluating their reproductive vaccine protocol. Or - if producers don’t already have a reproductive vaccine protocol - Rodgers says it’s important to consider implementing one: “A reproductive vaccine program can help improve a herd’s reproductive performance even if the herd has an excellent track record of reproductive performance, producers shouldn’t forego a reproductive vaccine program because a complete  reproductive vaccination protocol can help maintain that performance. An open cow can cost producers nearly $400 annually so keeping a herd’s reproductive performance top of mind can mean more calves on the ground and a more profitable operation.”


Veterinarians are a great resource to help producers develop protocols that provide the optimal results desired for each individual operation. And because local vets are familiar with the diseases of concern in their local areas. producers should check to see which diseases are prevalent. Believe it or not Trichomoniasis is a venereal disease transmitted at breeding and results in early embryonic death and abortion of the fetus. This can cause devastating economic setbacks for cattle producers so you need to keep up. More on that subject in the near future.

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