Hemp vs Marijuana

Hemp vs Marijuana

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Hemp and Marijuana are both scientifically classified as Cannabis and are virtually identical except t.,hat hemp is usually taller and contains less than 0.3 percent of the intoxicating chemical THC. Despite the fact that more and more states are lobbying to legalize marijuana for medical and recreational use, it seems inane that hemp is not allowed everywhere. Hemp can be used in medicine, clothing the manufacture of paper and countless other things and it doesn’t get you high. Chris Boucher is Vice President of Product Development at CannaVest Corporation in San Diego.


“Understanding the Basics:

 • Hemp vs Marijuana:  These two plants, both scientifically classified as Cannabis sativa, are virtually identical except that hemp is usually taller and contains less than 0.3 percent of the intoxicating chemical THC.


• Cannabis:  When used as shorthand for Cannabis sativa, cannabis can mean either hemp or marijuana.   However, cannabis is generally understood to refer to marijuana, with its high THC content.


• THC:  Short for “delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol”, THC is a chemical found in the cannabis sativa plant primarily responsible for the intoxicating, psychoactive effects associated with marijuana.  When the cannabis sativa plant contains more than 0.3% THC, it becomes classified as marijuana, rather than hemp.


• Medical marijuana vs recreational marijuana:  Same marijuana plant, but one requires doctor’s prescription for legal use, the other requires state law for legal use.


• Agricultural hemp vs industrial hemp:  Two names for the hemp plant when grown and harvested on large scale for a variety of purposes, including use as a nutritional source and used as a source for oil, wax, resin, rope, cloth, pulp, paper and fuel.


• CBD:  CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a bio-active compound naturally found in both marijuana and hemp, which researchers have shown to have a very therapeutic effect upon the human nervous system and other systems in the body.”


 In 1938, Hemp was announced as “America’s first Billion-dollar crop” but immediately disappeared from the radar thanks to the efforts of the petroleum industry.

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