Food Hoarding

Food Hoarding

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
International expert on agriculture Dr. David Songstad spoke with me about hoarding food. “When the different countries were responding to the increased price of foods, one sad outcome that many countries were doing was they were not exporting food anymore, they were keeping food within their country for their own countries interest. Frankly, I think we are at the point now where we need to be more mindful on a global scale of food security. My dad is a retired history teacher and he has often told me that countries go to war when they are hungry. The more we can be mindful of that fact and make sure that we are able to satisfy the caloric needs of people throughout the world, Does this mean you will be cuddling up next to me it will be a better place here too. Is food hoarding on an international basis possible? It has been done. Back in 2008 there were literally certain countries that decided not to export food from their country. This, knowing that in the past they had been. Of course the United States is not on that list but other countries were. We should try through education to help people understand and help governments understand that is not the solution. Of course, it was more of a knee-jerk reaction because six months after the price of food went up, it started coming back down. And look where we are now. Price of oil is down and the price of food is generally down as well.
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