08/05/05 Macy`s parade, Mr. Potato Head & you

08/05/05 Macy`s parade, Mr. Potato Head & you

Farm and Ranch August 5, 2005 Would you like to be in Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City? The Washington State Potato Foundation in cooperation with the Washington State Potato Commission and the U.S. Potato Board is providing just such an opportunity. Kellee Balcom of the Potato Foundation explains. Balcom: "This year Macy's is actually unveiling their Healthy Mr. Potato Head balloon. That is going to be our new character this year. The Washington industry is looking for an individual that would be willing to go and help carry that balloon down the New York streets." Balcom explains what interested applicants have to do. Balcom: "First of all you have to be 18 years of age and be willing to make a couple of trips back east. But we are having folks apply by filling out a 500-word essay that just talks a little bit about their knowledge about health, the potato industry or just any creative ideas they have with what is going on with Washington agriculture." The Potato Foundation and the Potato Commission also require handlers to have the skills to become spokespersons for the Healthy Potato program. Essays and applications are due by September 19th and the application can be requested from the Washington State Potato Foundation or downloaded from www.potatoes.com The Healthy Mr. Potato Head balloon at the Macy's parade is only part of the Healthy Potato Campaign, which celebrates that potatoes are good for you, nutritious, a good source of energy and full of vitamins and minerals. That's the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report. Brought to you in part by the Washington State Potato Commission. Nutrition today. Good health tomorrow. I'm Bob Hoff on the Northwest Ag Information Network.
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