Algae For Soil Health

Lorrie Boyer
“We take soil samples, isolate certain strains of algae and then use that to help generate activity in the soil through feeding the microbiome. So the algae serves as kind of the basic building block of the food chain, if you will. And we see changes from, you know, biological, physical, and chemical changes in the soil, talking about things like enhancing soil health, improving soil fertility, looking at soil structural changes, and the goal is to increase soil health and plant health and in driving increased productivity and addressing ongoing challenges in producers, fields like water holding capacity and nutrient availability and just quality and product output.”
Booher further explains how it works.
“We isolate native algae, microalgae, from each field that we work with, and then put that back on through the irrigation that the producer uses. So we're putting a system on farm, and then with every irrigation cycle, we're introducing more live, native microalgae to the ground. And so that's what kind of helps the microbiome really flourish.”
Dave Booher with My Land.