NAFB Pushes AM Radio Act and Corn & Wheat Exports Rise

NAFB Pushes AM Radio Act and Corn & Wheat Exports Rise

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, this is your Agribusiness Update.

**The National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s Board of Directors sent a letter to Congressional leadership on the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act being included in the Omnibus Continuing Resolution.

The letter points out NAFB’s broadcasters have worked hard to serve rural and urban residents with timely and accurate information in daily programming.

It adds, rural and urban residents should not be forced to subscribe to an unreliable data stream for urgent information.

**Several groups are reacting to the news that a continuing resolution to keep the government funded doesn’t include assistance for struggling farmers.

American Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall called on farm-state legislators to oppose the bill if economic aid for farmers is missing.

National Farmers Union President Rob Larew says Congress’s “time is short, and they must not walk away from their responsibility to rural America.”

**USDA’s inspections of corn and wheat for export rose week to week during the week ending on December 12.

Corn inspections for offshore delivery rose to 1.13 million metric tons, up from 1.06 million, and 960,000 tons during the same week last year.

Wheat examinations increased to 298,000 tons from 247,000 the week before and the 284,000 tons inspected at the same point last year.

Both are ahead of their yearly pace from last year.

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