WSTFA Golf Tournament Pt 2
From the Ag Information Network, this is today’s Fruit Grower Report. Here’s a reminder that the 31st Annual Washington State Tree Fruit Association’s Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament is right around the corner.WSTFA President Jon DeVaney say the tournament is a lot of fun AND supports students …
DeVANEY … “They are benefiting the industry and the students supported by these scholarship programs. And I think that’s the key thing. This is both a social event for members of the industry to enjoy each other’s company during the busy harvest season, but also to support those ongoing scholarship programs to help us recognize the families that work in our industry and help encourage some young people to maintain their connection to the industry and come back after getting additional higher education to the positions that we have available.”
DeVaney says space is limited for the August 27th tournament …
DeVANEY … “So, we’re encouraging folks that are interested in participating to sign up now. Again, that takes place at the Highlander Course in East Wenatchee.”
I asked DeVaney if I should hit the driving range beforehand? …
DeVANEY … “You can do that there on the morning of if you arrive a little early. You don’t even have to take too much time to practice. It’s all in good fun and for a good cause.”
So, where can you to sign up? …
DeVANEY … “Just go to our website,, W-S-T-F-A dot org, click on events and select our golf tournament link, and you can get all our details and how to sign up.”
Again, that’s to sign up for the 31st Annual WSTFA golf tournament.