Avid angler and general outdoors person. Deb Vavra talks about the main outdoor person mentor that she had in her life. Her dad, My dad has always been around dogs all of his life. My dad retired from the police department where he was working in California from injuries he sustained in the line of duty. And he took those photography skills that he used during crime scene investigation and his love for dogs moved to Oregon and he applied those skills and became a master dog photographer. Speaker1: He was quite the Elk hunter. You want to talk about that? And did he hand that down to his bouncing baby girl? Speaker2: He sure did. When we elk hunted, we did it all by horseback. You put your pack tent on the back of the horse and you ate what you caught during the entire trip. And sometimes it would be overnight. Sometimes it would be up to five days. In fact, my dad in his barn, he's got wooden nameplate packs and he's always used Appaloosa horses. He has on those horses barn plaques with their names deer and elk stamps display for how many each horse is pulled out. Speaker1: One of the advantages of horseback is you can go deep into the wilderness. Speaker2: And then the horse can help carry all that weight out. Speaker1: Over distances that sometimes exceed several miles.