Ducks and Wheat
Now available as a free download: a "Winter Wheat Variety Selection Tool" from Ducks UnlimitedI got a press release from an organization that I tremendously respect and here is the reason why I respect them so much. Believe it or not, Ducks Unlimited employees and agronomist who has put together a program that can be downloaded from their website and it helps farmers decide which variety of winter wheat they may want to plant. I called DU and an employee named René answered the phone. Why does Ducks Unlimited care about helping farmers with their choice of wheat variety? good question and I have an answer for you. We promote winter wheat because when our ducks come back here for their nesting, they can nest in winter wheat and they will be undisturbed. We are losing a lot of grassland that they used to nest in because those are going into crops, so this way if they come back north, they can do the nesting in a winter wheat field because it is undisturbed. We wouldn’t want them to come back and next in crops like spring wheat for example because then they would lose their nest.