Todd starts hunting

Todd starts hunting

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Avid bird hunter Todd Points tells me how he became an avid bird hunter. Born and raised in Idaho. You're outside all the time. My parents had bought this little golden retriever as a pet for my daughters. I think it was 30 years old. And is that my mom and dad's house? I asked my dad, I'm like, hey, do I got a shotgun around here? And he goes, yeah, there's one somewhere. It's in one of those closets. You got any shells? And he goes, what are you doing? Their next door neighbor, this farmer pretty much would let us do whatever we want on his fields. Right. That's what I'm going to take this dog out. And then this puppy, this golden retriever was two years old at the time. I'd never been around a gun zero training. He just liked to fetch everything. And I'd go out in this alfalfa field and walk around. He doesn't know what the hell he's doing. I'm just telling him to go look for stuff. And I'm hoping a pheasant or quail or something jumps up, and I won't tell you what jumped up because I don't want to get a ticket. Jumped up. A bird finally jumps out of the alfalfa and I shoot it, and my dog jumped up and looked at me like, what did you just do? And I said, fetch it up. He ran, got that bird, brought it right back to me. And from then on, I just, I mean, I was addicted to hunting. Dog work is what really got me into bird hunting. And over the course of the next probably four years straight, that dog and I learned how to hunt together and I lost my mind. I would hunt from dark to dark as many days as I could. Speaker1: My life changed. A passion born.
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