Deb and her Dad's worms

Deb and her Dad's worms

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Good friend Deb Vavra and I had lunch the other day and after revealing that her favorite item on any menu is salmon, I asked if she liked salmon enough that she would even go fishing for them herself. That opened up a conversation about loving to fish and relating her passion back to her Dad.

A man who so loved his fishing bait. It changed his life. Good friend Deb Vavra and I had lunch the other day and after revealing that her favorite item on any menu was salmon, I asked if she liked salmon enough that she would even go fishing for them for herself. That opened up a conversation about loving the fish and relating her passion back to her dad. You're an avid angler. Tell me how you got going in your life. Was it a parental influence or what? Speaker2: It was definitely a parental influence from my father, and he would take me fishing all the time. In fact, my dad was such an avid fisherman, he made his own plastic fishing worms. And I have a scar on my right knee to prove it. After getting too close to the old fryer on the floor. And something else is pretty funny. My father had some worms that were so lucky that if they got snagged when he was fishing up in Oregon, he would actually go diving to retrieve those favorite worms. Speaker1: Wow. You mean plastic worms? Speaker2: Yes, plastic worms that he made that were his favorites. He got his diving certification just for those worms. Speaker1: That is a great story. If you see somebody scuba diving, you never know what they're after.

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