Hey, hunters and anglers. Great time of the year for fishing and hunting. Got all the equipment lined up. All clear on the home front to go on your adventure. But David Sparks, Sportsman Spotlight. And again, while it is a great time of the year to go on an adventure, this is also a time of the year when you have to consider the possibility of encountering forest fires. I talked to Fish and Game official Roger Phillips. You got some tips for hunters during fire season? Speaker2: Yeah, you know, fire season is a couple of things. Obviously, you know, it affects hunters, you know, if it's in their area. And a lot of us, especially who travel, you know, might not be paying attention to exactly where these fires are. So it's always in the best interest of hunters to kind of look ahead and see if there's was a fire there in their area this summer, if there's one still actively going on, if there's any closures. And even when those fires go out, there can still be closures afterwards. So it's just good to kind of do your homework there a little bit, double check things and make sure that the hunting area is kind of the way you remember it from last year. Speaker1: So the takeaway from that entire conversation was if you are planning on going out, whether it be on the water or in the woods, call or do your research about the area that you have chosen.