Great hunter Wayne Pearson talks about choosing optimum times to go whitetail hunting. We're all creatures of habit. We've been schooled to go early morning, late in the afternoon. It's usually cooler, early morning, late afternoon. Deer love it cuz they don't like the heat at all. But when that moon is full it’s straight up, that’s a major feeding period. They can see any time Deer can see at night just as good as day, but they love to feed on a full moon because you're not going to be out there and you can't be out there and you can't be hunting at night, you're not supposed to. So when’s the next major feeding period? 12 hours? 24 hours is going to be straight down. So you look at that and it'll be straight down at midnight it’s straight up means the next day is going to be straight down about 12 o'clock that day. Where do you need to be? You need to be sitting in the stand because they’re gonna feed. You try to work those feeding periods out. And I can tell you right now, they're very accurate. They're not 100 percent nothing is because just as you begin to pattern and think that you're doing the right thing with the moon phases and the deer feeding on the major feeding period minor feeding periods, they gonna prove because that barometer may change. If it does, it throws it all out the window, every bit of it. Barometric pressure. I respect that more than anything in the world. I respect Mother Nature feeding periods. But remember, barometric pressure can change that feeding period. I think the key is respect.