If you're looking for a totally unique and brand new hunting experience, you might just want to talk to outfitter Mike Jenkins Up Front Outfitters regarding the hunt for a Roosevelt Elk confined to a specific habitat west of Interstate five in Washington State and Oregon. Very thick rainforest animals, much larger than the Rocky Mountain elk as far as body wise, but usually shorter, stubby your antlers. Do you have a lot of requests? I would assume that a lot of hunters, when they think elk, they think only Rocky Mountain. And that's kind of an unusual species. Do you have much outreach from potential clients? My Roosevelt Elk encompasses probably 50% of my business, if not more. And most of my clientele that are looking for Roosevelt Elk are specifically looking for that species. Most of them have what they call the North American 29, where they try to harvest all 29 animals in North America. And those are the majority of my clients for the Roosevelt Elk and then also the guys that have hunted a lot of Rocky Mountain elk, and now they just want something different. Maybe more of a challenge. Speaker1: Is the Roosevelt more of a challenge than a Rocky Mountain? Oh, much, much more because of where they live. They live in the deep canyons and the rainforest, and they live in the thick, thick, nasty brush. Speaker1: You know, that sounds like a really neat, fair chase opportunity, if you're inclined. Mike Jenkins Up Front Outfitters.