Stinky truck

Stinky truck

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Don’t let a stinky truck ruin your hunt

Few hunters have the advantage of walking out their back door to hunt. The majority have to pack their gear in a vehicle and drive to their hunting destination. And whether that destination is hours away or only a few minutes from home, when you arrive in the field, you are stepping out of an odor-filled scent bomb.

We live in our vehicles, and these closed-up spaces collect and retain the various odors from every aspect of our day-to-day activities. Think about the last time you were in someone else’s car or truck. The experience probably told you several things about its owner without you even thinking about it… where they work, what they eat, their choice of personal hygiene products, the brand of laundry detergent they use… you name it. Rest assured, your vehicle tells the same stories about you, even if you’ve gone “nose blind” to them. Other ambient odors that collect inside your vehicle can come from smoke, gasoline and oil, pets, and cleaning or freshening products. This cacophony of odors brews and strengthens inside vehicle… until you get out, carry them into the field and they ruin your hunt.

We live in the golden age of technology and, thankfully, there’s a simple way to eliminate these unwanted odors and make sure that they do not interfere with your next hunt. Ozone is the solution. This natural compound destroys odors by breaking them down via oxidation, and it also attacks and destroys the bacteria that creates new odors, as well as mold, mildew, and viruses. The night before a hunt, use a portable ozone generator inside your truck.

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