Tips on Whitetail Bucks

Tips on Whitetail Bucks

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Some highly efficient whitetail bucks scouting trips with biologists and habitat design specialist Jeff Sturgis. It's very deceiving. I show all this great habitat work and private land work that we can do while we're hunting cleaning waterholes. Mock's creates food plots, things that we can actually implement on private land that we can't implement on public land. Interesting, you scour through the social media and Facebook pages, look at public land. You got to work really hard. You got to go out and spend days and days and days of scouting. And I even had a recent comment by someone that said, you know, those bucks are nice, but I just don't have that kind of time to scout. I'm here to tell you guys it doesn't take a lot of time. It just takes smarter scouting efforts, a lot of time to make habitat improvements. I spend a lot more time on my private lands per buck than I do on public land per buck. I would guess that per block. I'm averaging about two days of scouting at the most. But you have to learn how to take a lot of habitat and turn it into just a few acres of your scouting, for example, new areas where you have giant marshes. I'm taking out all the huge wet areas. I'm taking out all the large conifer stands and I'm focusing on the narrow little islands and ridge points that connect and funnel dear. I'm looking at those islands. I used to take a card and I'd print it out on that card and I draw it out and I check this little island, this little island, then come back. I might have a day of scouting total in that whole area. Great tips, Jeff. Thank you and good luck to you. Whitetail hunters this season.
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