Feed a bee

Feed a bee

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Honey bee health is affected by multiple factors, ranging from lack of available forage, improper use of crop protection products, poor hive management practices and parasites and diseases. Here’s Dr. Becky Langer-Curry is project manager with Bayer chemicals North American Bee Health and Forward Farming. “Beekeepers must work diligently to address the wide range of factors that impact honeybee health particularly the varroa mite which is considered by most experts to be the primary cause of poor colony health. Honey bees still face other challenges. And one of the key concerns is lack of forage. That's why we started to be an initiative designed to improve awareness and increase the number of pollinator attracted plants across the country.”

Believe it or not, other factors contributing to decline in bees are, (1) exposure to all kinds of chemicals including insecticides and other agricultural chemicals and, (2) some people believe pure exhaustion Instances in which commercial beekeepers take their bees from Field to field or orchard to orchard and thus overworking them.

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