Marketlilne Report for Wednesday, September 25th
This is Bob Larson with the Market Line Report for Wednesday, Sep 25th. Live cattle remains sensitive to swine flu news out of China Wednesday. From the floor of the CME in Chicago, here's Scott Shellady.SHELLADY ... "Boy oh boy, they get kind of whipped around, whether it's ASF, any new Tweets, or any type of news on China, that's got the hog market kind of on the run. So, those types of things, although, have been abated as of late, are something that we have to worry about binary-wise and that could change the direction in an instant. That's what's difficult about trading these things. I don't have to tell you out there because you're involved with them all, but with ASF, China and any news Tweets from, say, our President could cause us some real problems there. So, you have to have your stops in place, you have to be very disciplined trader. I only bring that up because that's something that we need to make sure that we're doing because other than that it's just a real crap shoot."
Chicago Dec Wheat prices closed yesterday dn 1 ¼ at 480 ¾
Dec Corn was up 1 ½ at 375 ¾
Portland prices for soft white wheat of Ordinary Protein for Sept ended the day unch ranging from 5-88 to 5-92 Hard Red Winter wheat with 11 ½ % protein, prices for Sept were dn 1 ½ ranging from 5-55 to 5-65 DNS wheat with 14 % protein, prices for Sept were up 7 ¼ ranging from 6-34 ½ to 6-39 ½
Live Cattle for Oct were up $.27 ½ at 102.32 ½ Sept Feeder cattle are dn $.35 to 141.27 ½ Sept Class III milk was dn .01 cents at 18.25