GE Wheat Part Two

GE Wheat Part Two

Today we are continuing my discussion Washington Association of Wheat Growers Executive Director Michelle Hennings about APHIS report of 22 glyphosate resistant wheat plants being discovered in a summer fallow field in Eastern Washington last week. These plants had the Monsanto-developed herbicide resistant trait that was similar to the trait found in Oregon three years ago.
Hennings notes that in cooperation with Monsanto, a test has been developed that will permit overseas customers to test their wheat cargoes for the presence of both traits that were discovered last week as well as in 2013. South Korea and Japan have tested more than 350 million bushels of wheat since the 2013 Oregon event and found no trace of GE wheat.
She says grain producers need to know that no GE wheat has gotten into the commercial supply. She continues
Hennings: “I think the producers need to know that the Grain Commission and the Washington Association of Wheat Growers are working diligently on behalf of Pacific Northwest small grain growers to minimize any potential impacts that there may be. My thought is the impacts to the markets will be minimal due to our proactive work.”
She adds that with a bumper wheat crop and historically at harvest wheat prices are lower this time of year and by the situation being proactively addressed, she says it shouldn’t affect the market.
Previous ReportGE Wheat Lessons Learned from 2013 Event
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