Dairy Care365 Provides Training for Dairy Employees

Dairy Care365 Provides Training for Dairy Employees

A online training program for dairy employees, Dairy Care365™, are animal handling training videos featuring real on-farm settings to provide a realistic representation of how cows behave and react to their surroundings.
Merck Animal Health Technical Service Veterinarian Dr. Mike Bolton shares more about the company’s training program.
Bolton: “Four modules now completed. One is general stockmanship and low stress animal handling. One is moving cattle to and from the milking parlor. One is stockman ship and handling of young dairy animals and calves. And one deals with euthanasia.”
Through these videos, employees learn how to work with dairy animals safely and effectively. Dr. Bolton continues
Bolton: “I think what sets these modules apart from some others is that we use video actually many times showing the dairy employees doing things correctly. It is better than just talking about things and having it set on a shelf somewhere. It’s actually an interactive piece.”
The training modules can be found at dairycare365.com. Available in both English and Spanish, every video concludes with testing to gauge employee understanding of the material.  The modules take approximately 20 minutes to complete. 
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