976 Tuna. I ran into the oddest opening line when I called 976 Tuna to learn about their operation. Here's owner Rick Santella. "We've been around for 25 years and the reason it is 976 is that it used to be a phone line, you know when all those porno phone lines came out, 976 Moan and 976 Grope and all that stuff, we were 976 TUNA so we switched over to the website (laughter). All we do is report fishing information up and down Southern California and into Mexico. We run fishing charters, we run youth fishing trips and all at kind of stuff. Specifically designed to catch tuna? We just report on whatever is happening from all the landings, San Diego, going out, yes there catching tuna, they're catching this and that, and that is what the live reports are all about. The boats call in and give us a live report on the water and up to the minute. Hey how's it going guys, this is Capt. Mike on the Blue Horizon. We are on our day one giving you an update. On our first catch we happen to get a 100 pound Opah on a blue and chrome jig. Continued on down the line and we are up to 15 bluefin as of right now so that is a good start. Water is a little choppy but we are having fun. Great group of guys. Have a good day.