USPB's New Tote Bags Conjure Up "Magical" Sales Increases

USPB's New Tote Bags Conjure Up "Magical" Sales Increases

Peanut butter and jelly, eggs and bacon; potatoes and onions -- all items that pair nicely together. The United States Potato Board has reached across the produce table to form a partnership with the National Onion Association and has grown sales of both vegetables by taking a unique approach to communicating with consumers.

USPB Retail Programs Consultant Don Ladhoff explains more about these custom-printed bulk tote bags -- promoting both potatoes and onions.

Ladhoff: "One side of the bag promotes potatoes with key message points about potato nutrition and how easily potatoes work into so many meals and recipes. The other side of the bag has the same information for onions and then each end of the bag provides a potato and onion recipe."

So what where the results of the six week pilot program?

Ladhoff: "In fact net net, it ended up that less than a $6 per store per week investment in the bags created an incremental $166 in added potato and onion sales per store per week. So a really good return on investment."

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