Dawn Colias and her husband lived for a long time in Alaska and she has so many stories to tell, one of which involves a grizzly bear. "My husband had gone up to the Aniuk River which they flew into in a floatplane, somebody dropped them off and he was with another person, and he had a great big pistol and he knew that there were bears around and he all of a sudden saw two small bull moose running down through the shallow river and he told his friends something is wrong. So they started watching and here comes a huge grizzly after the moose and if a grizzly's chasing a bull moose there is something wrong. My husband said, we have to get on the other side of the river. So they took their fish, because they had some, and went and got on the other side of the river. My husband took his gun out because they could hear but they could not see because of the tall grass. But they could hear the bear and they were watching and my husband had his gun pulled out and that is when he said he would never take that kind of a gun again because his hands were shaking so hard he couldn't have possibly shot it. He said next time he was going to take a sawed off shotgun with a big slug. The story resumes tomorrow.