8-30 SS Grizz Attacks 2

8-30 SS Grizz Attacks 2

 I once did a pilot for a TV series for ESPN and the pilot was entitled  “I Survived”. I know you have probably seen on one of the cable channels a show called I Survived but believe it or not my pilot preceded any of these. As a side note, I know our show was presented to other networks and I believe strongly somebody stole my title. But I digress. In the I Survived show that I did, one of the episodes involved grizzly bear attacks up and around Yellowstone National Park. I interviewed three people who had been attacked and all three had been out hiking and ran across a grizzly sow with cubs. That is just one of the hazards of hiking in the wilderness. Well it’s happened again. MSN News  reports that  A grizzly bear attacked and wounded two hikers in Yellowstone National Park last week after they unexpectedly encountered the bear's new cub on a back-country trail in the northwest corner of the park, specifically near Salmon Idaho, Yellowstone officials said.  Here is Idaho Fish and Game spokesperson Greg Losinski talking about one of his research colleagues who was attacked by a  mother grizzly: “ Our friend was researching what habitat is desirable for bears.” That seems like an easy question to answer. Any wilderness setting around Yellowstone National Park, particularly dangerous in the spring and summer when mother grizzlies probably have young cubs in tow. Sportsmen beware.

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