Two Brown Bears

Two Brown Bears

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Randy King was on Kodiak island in Alaska hunting for black tailed deer when " I headed off for this place called the Sacramento River and I cut a track right on the river and as I started going downstream, I happened to go around a blind corner, I ran into a Kodiak brown bear at 40 yards. That is a way to make your gut fall out of your body. He just decided to meander off and go somewhere else so then there was a brown bear behind me so the only thing that I could think of doing was just to continue down the stream until I found a way off. Then I ran into another one who was standing up on his hind legs looking at me when I came around the corner. I have a size 11 boot and I have a picture of a Kodiak brown bear track that is inches on both sides of my boot. It's an amazing sight. Did he act aggressive or menacing? Oh no not at all. He was just curious. No aggression at all. No false charges, none of that. I was still scared. Just a proximity. That is the largest species of bear out there so just the proximity. I was basically in their fishing hole. When I got to the head of the river when it ran into the ocean, I could see the salmon running up the river so those beer were just fishing. I was walking through the middle of their refrigerator. Probably not the smartest thing on my end but it does make a great story.
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