Port Help & GMO Recount
Port Help & GMO Recount plus Food Forethought. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report.Dan Newhouse dropped by the Washington State Hort convention to check in with his new constituents now that he has officially been elected to replace long-time congressman Doc Hastings. Newhouse is also a farmer and is well aware of the dangerous port issue going on.
NEW HOUSE: Well if there's anything I can do to help impact what's going on in our ports - that's so critical to be able to move our products overseas. We depend on those overseas products like no other state in the country ands so this is really negatively impacting our industry and we've got to have some solutions - some compromise has to happen between the two parties so that we can get things rolling again.
Oregon's county clerks have been officially ordered to conduct a hand recount of votes regarding Measure 92, the GMO labeling initiative. They have until Dec. 12 to complete the recount. Secretary of State Kate Brown announced that the certified results of Measure 92 are so close they require an automatic hand recount.
Now with today's Food Forethought, here's Lacy Gray.
As reporters for the Ag Information Network we have had the wonderful opportunity to speak with and get to know the great people who work to produce the Mother Earth News magazine, which provides its readers with articles on organic gardening, cooking and food preservation, natural health, do it yourself projects, renewable energy, and any and all aspects of rural and urban homesteading. Since its founding in 1970 Mother Earth News has continually provided a down-to-earth approach on how to live simply and practically while protecting and nurturing the environment, both in their magazine publication and on a radio show in the late 70's. More recently Mother Earth News has been making an impressive online presence and has now partnered up with Typeset Host Olen Wallace for a weekly podcast that will carry on the magazine's tradition of providing information on a wide range of self-sufficiency and sustainability topics. Available every Tuesday the episodes can be found on MotherEarthNews.com or thetypeset.net, as well as on iTunes, making it even easier to get your fix of DIY ideas.
Thanks Lacy. That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network of the West.