Humane Horse Slaughter Appeal
The removal of the five-year ban on horse slaughter late last year by Congress has opened the flood gates for animal rights activists who say horse slaughter is inhumane. Recently, copies of a new study by the International Equine Business Association titled “Americans Eat Horses: And the World is Hungry Enough to Help us Save Them” were sent to Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack and several member of Congress. It is an appeal,and I quote, “to allow a properly regulated industry that protects the rights and choices of horse owners, while restoring a normal market that creates jobs, offers opportunity, and ends the unnecessary misery of horses.” Many cultures around the globe enjoy horse meat as a culinary choice; the United States did too, up until the 1990’s. Then the HSUS adopted the horse as their poster child for fundraising; and it worked - for the HSUS. As the IEBA study report states, “Americans love horses”. The HSUS has capitalized on America’s fondness for horses and turned it into a very profitable money making tool. While this tact has managed to garner thousands of dollars for the HSUS, it has resulted in nothing but needless suffering for large numbers of unwanted horses.