David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
For about 2-percent of the population, the sudden change from summer and early fall into the late fall and winter seasons can actually cause a type of depression, known as seasonal affective disorder (or SAD), which worsens with limited exposure to daylight in late fall and winter, and disappears when spring begins anew. Apparently, according to a little blurb I saw in the Idaho Cattle Association's Executive Update, there may be a contributing factor to sad so I called ICA Executive Director Cameron Mulrony to ask what he knew about it. Dutch researchers have found a link between seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and vegetarianism, based on a pilot study involving residents of Finland and the Netherlands.  The study of nearly 1,000 individuals between the ages of 25 and 74 found that the participants who were vegetarians and suffered from SAD were 4 times higher than those with SAD who ate meat.

They actually have lights that they sell to combat SAD but I hamburger sounds more delicious.

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