Cholesterol Bread

Cholesterol Bread

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
With all of the negative news going on these days regarding grains that include wheat, with all of the anti-gluten chitchat going on, There might be some good news for wheat producers. But first, Remember Wilford Brimley? “The meal that does the family the most good is breakfast. Quaker Oats, no trimmings needed. It’s the right thing to do” Mr. Brimley didn’t say it in that commercial but you may recall he told us for years that oatmeal lowered cholesterol.


Well, I thought I would read you a snippet out of an article coming out of an Australian publication called Rural. The headline reads “Australian scientists are one step closer to developing a wheat variety that could be used to make cholesterol lowering bread. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) is hoping to breed wheat with similar health benefits to oats and barley. Barley and oat grains contain high levels of a soluble fibre called betaglucan that can reduce cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease.

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