Flies and Infection

Flies and Infection

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
"The weather has been great this last week because it has been cool and the flies aren't out that much but if it warms up at once, start getting bad and I am really going to have to start fighting it." Those words came from Oregonian Mark Lane. What do you think his concerns about flies are all about? Do you think he is planning a big outdoor barbecue and doesn't want to be totally preoccupied with the flyswatter? Listen a little more. "She doesn't seem to be in much pain but it's just trying to keep the infection down and if it heats up and the flies start then I think that's what I'm going to have my major problem and I think she may turn for the worse and I might have to put her down. " Any closer to understanding Mark's concern with flies? Final answer. "They confirmed my wolf attack so fast because there was coloring on the wolves. There were actually two wolves in the pasture in the early morning and I think that's why they went ahead and found it so quickly. But what do you do. You can't just go out and get rid of them. You've got to play by all the rules and jump through all their hoops before we have any kind of a chance to control them." So you figured it out by now, a wolf attack. Two collared and protected wolves attacked one of Mark's pasteurized cows and left her with massive injuries. He doesn't know whether she will make it or not but no matter what, he loses because of her wounds. "The left rear leg and the right rear flank are torn up pretty good. She does have infection.
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