Regional Weekly Hay Report

Regional Weekly Hay Report

Here is USDA Grain and Livestock Reporter Greg Sanders with the Columbia Basin Hay report from last week.
Sanders: “Washington-Oregon Columbia Basin Hay Report — we had a little over 38,000 tons trade this week. Compared to last Friday new crop premium and supreme alfalfa was steady. Trade was active with good demand. Alfalfa on large squares we had 5,000 tons trade. Export quality fair and good hay sold from $200 to $205. Alfalfa retail sold $260 on the small square bales. Timothy grass for export quality large squares sold for $195 to $225 per ton.”
In Idaho compared to previous week, new crop Fair/Good Alfalfa was steady. Trade was slow last week as high testing hay is hard to find due to recent weather conditions. Demand moderate to good. Large square alfalfa rated good sold from $170 per ton it was bleached.Good large square alfalfa organic sold for $240 per ton. Fair to good rated large squares of alfalfa sold for $185.
In Oregon, compared to previous week, prices trended generally steady compared to the same quality the previous week. Trade activity decreased a little last week, however many producers were still busy in the field with the new crop.  Most producers have not yet begun selling new crop hay. In Central Oregon large square alfalfa bales rated premium sold for $240 per ton. In Klamath Basin premium small square bales of alfalfa sold for $240 per ton. There were no new sales confirmed in Eastern Oregon or Harney County.


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