The Difference Between Cows and Buffalo

The Difference Between Cows and Buffalo

In India cows are scared.  In the United States the uneducated view cows as demons.  I'm Jeff Keane; in one minute I'll tell you why cows are so evil.What makes a cow so wicked in the eyes of the uniformed citizens or biased cow haters - well, they perform the natural acts of grazing, drinking water and of course they produce methane that puts them on the most wanted list of environmental degraders.  Never mind that buffalo in the millions once roamed the same grasslands cattle now use.  Never , mind that those buffalo produced methane.  Never mind buffalo drank water right where fish were trying to set up housekeeping and raise their young.  I can only imagine what some of the smaller streams looked like when thousands of bison migrated through the valleys and draws that bedded these streams.  I guess buffalo methane did not contribute to global warming.  Maybe that was because there was a time when the weather was what it was, the climate depended on the season of the year, longitude and latitude, with no one trying to blame somebody or something because yesterday's weather or last year's weather is not the same as today's.  So what's the difference between cows and bison?  It must be that one is considered wild and one is classified domestic which means humans have had something to do with them and that's generally a bad thing.  Maybe that is why the so- called environmental movement is so out of touch with reality - it's the human touch.  I'm Jeff Keane.

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